Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Essay Topics - Tips For Writing Hard Essays

Essay Topics - Tips For Writing Hard EssaysWhether you are writing a student paper, an academic essay, or an essay for a competitive exam, you will have to come up with hard essay topics. There are several things you need to keep in mind before choosing a topic for your paper.Before the writing process even begins, you should determine the amount of time you have for the topic, so that you can make your essay topics fit into your timeframe. The timing for this depends on your institution, the needs of your students, and the content of your work. In the case of graduate-level courses, the deadline is the last day of class, because most topics are long-term rather than short-term. However, since you are writing a short-term paper for college, the deadline is not a concern.Even if you choose a difficult topic, you should still be careful about where you write it. A single sentence is not going to do your essay justice, and you should strive to ensure that you have a number of sentences to back up your ideas. If you can't do this yourself, you may need to use a student editor or a professional editor.One important aspect of your essay topics is to make sure that your essay is effective. The best way to do this is to compile some examples and theories about these topics so that you can understand their importance and make sure that your essay is powerful. However, just having a theory or a good example will not necessarily help you. You need to combine ideas and examples together in order to make your essay effective.By doing this, you can ensure that your essay topics are not just relevant, but that they will also stand out from the rest of the essays in your class. When you include examples and theories, you are giving your essay a more polished look, which can make a huge difference.Another important aspect of these topics is to make sure that you include a complete explanation of the entire idea. Without this, your essay will be unoriginal, as the reader is not getting a good understanding of your topic. Your main purpose is to attract the attention of the reader, and this can only be accomplished by providing a clear statement.As a student, you must have many different problems to discuss. Therefore, you must provide a clear overview of your problem, so that your reader can have a clear idea of what the problem is all about. A poorly written piece is one that cannot really address any problems at all, which is why the guidelines that I have outlined in this article will be of great help.With these tips, you can be assured that your paper will be good essay topic, and that it will stand out from the others in your class. The next time you are writing an essay, try incorporating some of these tips into your essay topics and see how much better your papers will turn out.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Death Of Salesman And Crucible Essays - , Term Papers

Death Of Salesman And Crucible Arthur Miller, winner of many literary and dramatic awards, is an incredibly influential force in American drama. His plays deal with issues common to every society. He makes the audience face fault, weakness, and ignorance; subjects we would typical hide from. At the same time he emphasizes strength, human spirit, and familial love. Alice Griffin believes that Miller's plays are important internationally (xii). He belongs to an international theater rather than a regional theater (Heilman 170). His plays are staged and studied by students to understand American life in Russia, P and, Iceland, Brazil, Italy, France, Germany, Czech Republic, and China to name a few (Griffin xi). Miller's works thrived in England. The University of East Angelia named it's center the Arthur Miller Centre (Griffin 1). They can relate to the sense f identity, honor, recognition, and familial love (Griffin Preface). In a production in Beijing, Miller explained to a Chinese actor playing Biff the son's feelings of guilt and "painfully requited" love for his father, the actor understood as it is v y Chinese (Morath 79). The phenomenon of Death of a Salesman has been the same all over the world. Audiences all have a sense of their life story of their father, uncle, or brother (Griffin 35). In real life Miller had an Uncle Manny who had two sons ho were in competition with Miller and his brother. Manny ended his own life because he failed at business. Miller's personal history is demonstrated in his sensitive and passionate writing in Death of a Salesman (Griffin 41). The Crucible (1952) was originally intended to be called Those Familiar Spirits, referring to a spirit that a witch presumably sends out to torment her victims. However, the well area at the bottom of a blast furnace is known as the crucible, it is whe the molten steels collects being entirely broken down due to immense heat. Miller thought that this was a precise metaphor for what happened in Salem. Crucible also means a harsh trial or examination. John Proctor's integrity was surely investigated. He chose to die instead of confessing to being evil. According to Raymond Williams, The Crucible is a powerfully successful dramatization of the notorious witch trials of Salem. It is technically less interesting than its previous ones because it is b ed on a historical event which is explicit enough to solve, the difficult dramatic problems which Miller had originally set himself. Miller brilliantly expresses a particular crisis "the modern witch hunt" in his own society, but it is not often, in ou own world, that the issues and statements so clearly emerge in a naturally dramatic form (13). Miller used the Salem Witch Trials of the 17th century, to make an indirect, but assertive comment upon McCarthyism in American life (Richard Watt, Jr. 536). In 1953, when the play was produced, the United States was in social and political turmoil. Joseph McCarthy a Senator from Wisconsin and the play in comparison were both significantly politically infamous. The Senator was responsible for the investiga ons to find communists in the State Department, Hollywood, and the U.S. Army. These investigations created fear and suspicion within our society. McCarthy was eventually found guilty of misusing his authority (Watts vii). Before being found guilty S ator McCarthy accused the Democratic administration of sheltering and helping Communists in the American government. It was a fearful time similar to that in Salem. The United States government called McCarthy's activities witch-hunts. In The Crucibl Miller mentions that McCarthy accuses individuals of being Communist if they opposed him. Any government official who criticized his hearings was soon found to be defending himself against the charge of being involved in a Communist conspiracy. Miller mpared McCarthy to the Salem judges in a broad sense (Cliffnotes 52). In 1953 The Crucible was attacked as a comparison to the current Senate "witch hunts." Critics said it was not a good play at that time, however, later it was found to be superior. he House Un-American Activities Committee summoned Miller to a hearing. Miller refused to name others as communist sympathizers. He also said that he would only take responsibility for himself and not others. Miller was fined and given a thirty day s pended jail sentence because he spoke out like John Proctor in The Crucible (Griffin 7). During the McCarthyism period witnesses refused to answer questions and when they did they were scorned (Bentley 302). Thousands of people who refused to answer q stions and confess were executed during the seventeenth century. Authorities believed